19 research outputs found

    Innovationssystem ökologische Land- und Lebensmittelwirtschaft: Wo kann eine Interessenvertretung ansetzen?

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    The agro-food sector faces many challenges today. To cope with these, an effective innovation system is needed. This study’s goal is to analyse the organic agro-food sector’s innovative ability and innovation requirements. Another focus is on the status quo of the research relating to the organic agro-food sector and the overall framework for research funding. Finally, starting points for improving how the interests of the organic agro-food innovation system are represented in Germany are identified. This concerns the communication within the innovation system as well as the external communication with institutions and individuals that influence the overall conditions for research in this field


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    Organic agriculture offers solutions for various key problems currently faced by the agro-food sector. This includes challenges such as adapting to climate change or increasing food security. To cope with these, an effective innovation system is needed. The framework conditions for innovation in the organic agro-food sector, however, do not adequately reflect the potential that lies within it. This study’s goal is to identify starting points for improving how the interests of the organic agro-food innovation system are represented in Germany. In order to achieve this, the sector’s innovative ability and innovation requirements were analysed. Another focus was on the status quo of the research relating to the organic agro-food sector and the overall framework for research funding

    Welche Kompetenzen befähigen zur landwirtschaftlichen Diversifizierung?

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    Agricultural diversification might be an answer to structural change in farming and demographic change in rural areas. Findings from empirical research highlight specific competences that enable farmers to successfully implement diversification strategies such as direct sales, social farming, or agro tourism. The identified competences are categorized as professional and personal competences based on the taxonomy of the National Qualifications Framework for Germany. The findings could serve as a guideline for designing courses that enable farmers to implement diversification strategies

    Innovative Finanzierungsformen entlang der Wertschöpfungskette

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    Auf der Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau 2015 gab es eine Veranstaltungsreihe "Praxis trifft Wissenschaft". Im Themenfeld "Wertschöpfungskette" zielte der Workshop zur Finanzierung in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft auf die Diskussion der Vor- und Nachteile alternativer Finanzierungsmodelle ab

    Kartoffelschälung im Ökolandbau - Ein Betriebszweig mit Zukunft?

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    Das Poster gibt Einblicke in die Betriebsstruktur und den Wertschöpfungsprozess von Kartoffelschälbetrieben im ökologischem Landbau

    Von Kompetenzbedarfen in der Sozialen Landwirtschaft zur Konzeption einer wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung

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    Social farming combines agricultural production with additional social services such as providing disadvantaged groups a possibility for inclusion. A special requirement of social farming activities is the combination of two professional knowledge systems, the agricultural and the social education knowledge system. Starting from the research question, which competences are in need to offer social farming activities, this paper continues to transform these findings in an innovative academic course. It addresses people with prior education in agriculture or social education and contributes to the general idea of lifelong learning

    Die regionale Lücke: Herausforderungen für Bio-Gemüse im Berliner Schulessen

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    Lokale und biologische Lebensmittel spielen eine wichtige Rolle in der Diskussion um eine nachhaltigere Schulverpflegung. In Berlin fördert ein Gesetz über die Qualitätssteigerung des Schulmittagessens den Einsatz von Bio-Lebensmitteln. Bisher ist wenig darüber bekannt, wie diese gesetzliche Vorgabe die ökologische Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft in der Metropolregion unterstützt. Davon ausgehend untersucht die vorliegende Studie regionale Wertschöpfungsketten am Beispiel von Bio-Gemüse und -Kartoffeln und nutzt dafür einen strukturtheoretischen Ansatz. Strukturelle Faktoren beeinflussen die Verwendung von regionalen Bio-Lebensmitteln in der Schulverpflegung. Es besteht eine regionale Lücke. Ohne Intervention reproduzieren die Akteure durch ihr Handeln die bestehenden Wertschöpfungsstrukturen

    Structures and Actors of the Organic Vegetable Value Chain for School Catering: a Case Study of the Berlin-Brandenburg Metropolitan Region

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    With the European Union’s move towards “green public procurement”, there is an opportunity to bring more local organic produce into school catering. The present study investigates the value chain supplying school catering with organic produce, using the organic vegetable industry in the Berlin-Brandenburg region as an example. It employs a qualitative case study approach to explore industry actors’ perspectives and their activities within the value chain. Data is collected by conducting ten in-depth interviews with actors on different supply chain levels (production, wholesale, and school catering) and is analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The results suggest that, while organic food is generally important in school catering in Berlin, locally produced organic vegetables play only a minor role. Inter-organizational coordination of value-added activities could help to further utilize the potential for local organic vegetable production and enable joint investments into lacking infrastructure such as pre-processing facilities

    Multitalente der Organisation: Was zeichnet innovative Wertschöpfungsketten-Manager*innen aus?

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    Der Auf- und Ausbau von Wertschöpfungsketten für regionale Lebensmittel ist ein zentrales Thema der Öko-Branche. Zur Realisierung werden Stellen geschaffen, die sich speziell um den Auf- und Ausbau von Wertschöpfungsketten kümmern. Stellenbezeichnungen für Personen in diesem Arbeitsfeld sind z.B. Wertschöpfungskettenmanager*in, Regionalrefe-rent*in oder Netzwerker*in. An diese Personen werden vermutlich Anforderungen gestellt, die ein besonderes Spektrum an fachlichen und persönlichen Kompetenzen erfordern, um die Aufgaben erfolgreich zu bewältigen. Sie scheinen Multitalente der Organisation zu sein. Eine Fishbowl-Diskussion gibt Einblicke in die Arbeitspraxis dieser Personen

    Forschung zur ökologischen Land- und Lebensmittelwirtschaft - Ansatzpunkte für eine Interessensvertretung

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    Innovations may help in dealing with key problems the agro-food sector is facing. The overall study objective is to identify starting points for improving how the interests of the organic agro-food innovation system are represented in Germany. The status quo of research for the sector, the sector’s innovative ability and innovation requirements and the framework conditions for research funding were analysed. The study shows that research is often applied and inter- or transdisciplinary and thus contributes to the sector’s innovative ability. The structural capacity of the sector and research funding, however, lag behind its requirements. Professional representation of the needs of the organic agro-food innovation system may strengthen it